Monday, February 27, 2012

Guadalupe mountains nation park trip

Made the drive from SA to the park in around 8 1/2 hours.  I stopped in Junction for lunch. I went to a DQ and told them "to go" but after I got it I didn't really see the point of driving and eating. I'm still trying to slow down and it is a struggle. I got here around 5. Turns out the park is in the mountain time zone so it was really 4. I'm going to have to find out what time zone El Paso is in because I'm going to have to pick Courtney up there. I'm pretty disorganized. I've got all the stuff I need but it's scattered. I'll get my act together tomorrow.

Sunday, February 5, 2012

Getting ready for Guadalupe mts.

We have a trip coming up. I haven't set up these 2 tents in a while so I figured I'd see if I still had all the parts.