Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Grand Canyon day 3

We started our day with a 2 hour guided tour along the rim to Hermit's Rest. After that we visited some of the parks facilities that we hadn't visited yet. This evening was a nice dinner at the Steakhouse followed but a get together at our cabin where we finished off our adult beverages. Tomorrow we all depart. John & Jean and Jerry & Diane head to Phoenix for a flight back to Texas. Jenny and I have an overnight in Phoenix because we have an early flight day after tomorrow. This has been a great reunion that will be hard to top, of course we say that every year.

Tuesday, September 10, 2024

Grand Canyon day 2

We drove east toward Desert View today.  You can drive on that road as opposed to riding on a shuttle bus and that gave us a little more flexibility. We pulled over at several of the viewpoints to try and absorb what we were looking at. This place is pretty spectacular. After lunch, John and I hiked 1 1/2 miles into the canyon on the Bright Angel Trail. The climb out was what we expected. I am tired. We have one more day here. We have booked a tour to Hermit's Rest tomorrow.

Monday, September 9, 2024

Grand Canyon NP

We have safely arrived at the Grand Canyon. Our route here took us up through Oak Creek Canyon. We pulled over at Slide Rock State Park to get a view of the creek, then we stopped at the top of the climb and checked out the views. There were a few Navajo craft ladies selling Navajo crafts. We now have some of
those. We ate lunch in Flagstaff and got checked into our cabins at around 4. Dinner was at the El Tovar hotel dining room. That was pretty much day 1. Tomorrow we will visit the overlooks on the way to Hermit's Rest.

Sunday, September 8, 2024

Sedona day 4

We had no activities planned today. Consequently we didn't do much. We went into town and had some Mexican food. After that the girls and the guys split up. The guys did some day drinking and the girls did girl stuff. This will be our last day here. Tomorrow is Grand Canyon National Park. 

Saturday, September 7, 2024

Sedona day 3

Today's big event was the 4 hour, 4 winery, party bus tour. There were 19 of us on the bus. We were all picked up and dropped off at our respective locations so no one had to drive. The drive between wineries got wilder as the day progressed until the ride home was a disco inferno. We were the only group with a house and everyone was threatening to unload with us and continue the party at the house. We convinced the driver to close the door after we got off so we dodged a bullet there. There was a short hike this morning before the drinking began. We have nothing planned for tomorrow. 

Friday, September 6, 2024

Sedona day 2

Today was our area tour. We were in an open van with a canvas roof. There was some wind involved. So much wind that my hat was removed from my head and ended up on the road, never to be in my possession again. RIP! Before that tour John and I climbed the hill behind the house (a bushwack) for some 360° views. Really cool. Lunch was a highly recommended food truck. Tomorrow is a winery tour. 


Day 1 is complete. The airlines did their job and we met at the house in time for a spectacular meal. Those pics were taken from our back porch. We have a tour scheduled later this morning. Weather is primo. More later.

Wednesday, September 4, 2024

Verde Valley AZ

Jenny and I are a day ahead of the Aggie group. We have agreed to meet in Sedona for a few days and then transition to the South Rim of the Grand Canyon. We flew into Phoenix, rented a car, and headed north for 80 miles to this small town. The Verde River flows through town (See pic) and there was a surprisingly good restaurant. We are only 30 miles from the VRBO and we can't check in until 4 so we are going to have to kill some time. The party starts tomorrow.