Saturday, June 23, 2018

Rockhound day 3

Not much going on today. We hiked some more trails. One of the hikes was up "Spring Canyon". I have always been intrigued by water sources in the desert so I wanted to see the spring. The spring was anemic but since it was the only source of moisture for many miles it was a popular place. There were 100s of bees landing and taking off. There was an easily heard buzzing sound. The bees didn't look right. Not the usual honeybees you see flittering around flowers at home. I immediately began to wonder if they were Africanized. Those bees are aggresive and easily pissed off. Just as a science experiment I ran in amongst them and began swatting them out of the way. The stings didn't hurt too bad and after the helicopter ride to the trauma center the swelling in my throat went down pretty quickly and I was able to breath on my own. I think they were probably Africanized. We move tomorrow. One more thing---the pic is of me holding a Horned Toad. We have seen 4 so far but I have only been able to catch 1. PS-  that bee story might be considered an exaggeration.

1 comment:

  1. Of course the bee story was fabricated, come on Dave, your followers are a little more smarter than that. Now, stay. Away from those kind of bees. And do not bring any home with you. Which means, crawaling under camper to make sure they haven’t colonized and built a hive under your mp. Yes, it has happened to other people. Check it out! Stat cool and bee free
