Saturday, June 29, 2019

Long Branch day 2

This state park land is leased from the COE. The lake and dam is maintained by the Army. I went out for a ride this morning and I'll be dammed if there wasn't a 'for real' bike race going on. These people are streaking by me on their racing bikes wearing their spandex bike outfits and I'm in shorts and a T-shirt with a baseball cap. I was friendly enough, saying howdy and stuff but it was a little awkward. After they cleared out Jenny and I did a bike/hike park tour. The lake is 8 feet above its normal level. Stuff is underwater. There are things out in the lake that you used to be able to walk to that are now only accessible by boat. We leave tomorrow, heading further north.

1 comment:

  1. I take it you got mpjr two all leveled up? Apparently things are stil under water. Feel so sorry for all the people affected by this flooding.
