Friday, January 26, 2024

St Andrew's last day

We had nothing on the agenda today. Our next state park looks like it's in the boonies so we did an inventory of our staples and went shopping to stock up on things we needed. The weather was good so we rode our bikes into town after lunch. This place is pretty bike friendly with wide sidewalks and low speed limits. We saw this building on that ride. There is a strip of land just outside the park where the tornado did the damage. It is a mess. Roof damage, windows blown out, fencing knocked down, an insurance companies nightmare. Not sure about cell coverage tomorrow. Satellite TV probably won't work because we will be under a bunch of trees.


  1. Wow, that house. What a mess. Glad you guys are having some nice weather. No rain yet this morning but it is on the way.

  2. Enjoying the photos and some of the comments....thanks!

  3. Wowza! Looks like one of my leveling jobs when constructing.

  4. Hey, BTW there's no door to the leaning house?
