Sunday, April 5, 2015

2 hits, one strikeout

We were trying to get 3 stamps Today. The last park we hit had one of those ranger stations only open for 2 hours a day. We arrived at an inappropriate time. Damn the luck. Tomorrow we are planning on climbing an iconic escarpment in South Carolina. It's called Table Rock. It's an hours drive and we figure, a 4 hour round trip hike. So, all day. There's a 70% chance of rain so we'll have to hike with our umbrellas. RVing in not for wimps. We visited a couple of waterfalls during our stamp collecting. We are in the foothills and all the little creeks hit the fall line and make a waterfall. There are hundreds of them and many are tourist attractions.

1 comment:

  1. WOW, nice waterfall, NC has. Few of those also, I haven't seen them yet. Sorry you missed a stamp, might have to hit it on way back. Looking forward to your visit
