Thursday, March 2, 2023

Chicot day 2

Pretty much more of the same. Bike ride this morning, lunch in Ville Platt, long hike in the Arboretum. When they found out I was an AG major at A&M they asked me to give a lecture at the amphitheater. I must have mixed up the time because no one showed up. I gave my unprepared talk anyway. It was spectacular. Small accident on the way back to the car. I'm  OK so don't ya'll fret. We move tomorrow. Should be is Mississippi. 


  1. On your way to Florida I presume. Don't forget your big day at end of month

  2. sorry about your lecture, Dave. Your information might be dated tho', just sayin. I am going to a Doug Tellamy lecture on Saturday. He is the author of the book I gave you two years ago "Americas's Best Hope". I will pass on some of his knowledge to you, just in case you get another chance to share your knowledge. Hopefully the storms and wind won't be too much of a problem for you and Jenny today. Paula
