Friday, March 3, 2023

Shepherd State Park Ms.

We are near the town of Gautier. I'm afraid that today was mostly just driving. We are now back on Interstate 10. One of the reasons we headed north out of SA is because I have driven that road way too many times. We have hit all the high spots, camped in all the State parks and even stop at the same gas stations. The first time I drove from SA to Florida was when I attended ROTC summer camp my junior year at A&M. There is a Disc golf course here. I rode some of it on my bike and there is high potential for Disc loss. Not sure if I'll play it. This is a pic of our campsite. We are here for 2 nights. 

1 comment:

  1. Play the course dave. I doubt if you will any Frisbee. I still have your green one. I keep moving it when I straighten up and consequently it gets lost. So I straightened up the other day and found it. Now I have it in plain sight.check on it every morning to make sure it hasn't moved on its own. Which is half the problem with stuff I put in a place so I can't lose it. Then two weeks later it is gone from my safe place where I know I put it. So stuff in this house obviously moves around on its own
