Sunday, April 21, 2024

50th reunion day 2

I'm pretty sure this will be our last official, campus sponsored, reunion. Tonight is Aggie Muster. Everywhere, around the world, Aggies gather together on April 21st to pay tribute to our fellow Aggies who have fallen the previous year. Obviously, the Aggie Muster in College Station is by far the largest. Every year's graduating classes 50th Reunion is held on campus on April 21st. The Muster will also honor our class, the class of '74. We sit on the floor of the coliseum and somehow get recognition. I remember when I was a student here seeing former cadets who graduated 50 years ago was unreal. Those cadets are now us. We leave for the coliseum in a few minutes. Tomorrow we return to SA and after a couple of days there we will begin our drive home. 

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