Friday, May 17, 2024

50th wedding Anniversary

We are staying for 4 days at the Jekyll Island Club in Georgia. The club was established in the 1800s. At one time the members of this club owned 1/6th of the wealth of the entire country. It was pretty exclusive. After WW2 the state of Georgia bought the island and made it a state park. 2/3rds of the island has to remain undeveloped. Consequently, most of the island is covered in primordial old growth forest. The club property is magnificent. This would not be a place to vacation on a budget but it has been a great place to celebrate Jenny's birthday our 50th. The room we have is in one of the homes that was built by one of the club members. It's almost as big as our house. Anyway, we are here for one more full day and then it's back to the real world.

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