Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Back in Texas

We left Moab and drove to Albuquerque. We left Albuquerque and drove to the Guadalupe Mts NP. The RV campground is a paved parking lot. The park has had 5 inches of rain recently. Everything is super green. The grass is covering everything and its 2 feet tall. On top of that its supposed to get into the 60s tonight. This is August in West Texas. We've got no Cell anything in the campground so I'm going to ride my bike to the visitors center and see what I can do with this post. This first pic is me in a group of blooming purple sage. The next pic is the RV campground.

1 comment:

  1. wow, what a burst of color in g-lupe mts. I am surprised your awning is blowing off. No wind while you were there?
