Friday, August 2, 2013

Epic ride

This morning, Jenny dropped me off at a mountain biking trailhead that accesses 30 miles of trails. I bought a guide book yesterday trying to figure out where I might ride with a low probability of death. This area seemed reasonably unknarly. It was a spectacular ride. One 3 mile section was on slickrock. The trail was indicated by a brown line painted on the rock. A 3 mile long painted line. It was very cool. The trails were all well maintained, well marked and well designed. This is BLM (that's the Gubment, in S. Carolina speak) land. Our taxpayer dollars at work. Tomorrow we do a kakak paddle on the Colorado followed the next day with a guided 18 mile bike ride. Here are a couple of pics. Note the brown line.

1 comment:

  1. I would think that brown line was defacing the environment, I know alot of people opposed to that, but Dave, when you want to ride your bike and need a marked trail, guess it gets overlooked.
    Looks like some fun, the kayak trip in the rapids would have finished me off, especially if you were a little worried about it. Pat
