Friday, August 23, 2013

Happy? To be home

Here are some trip stats. We were out for 96 days. During that time we put 7349 miles on the MP odometer. We pumped 852 gallons of gas for an average MPG of 8.6. and a total fuel cost of $2939. We drove into 11 states, visited 15 state parks and 6 national parks. We are home now. We can take long hot showers, we don't need to dash inside to keep the bugs at bay. There's no need to unhook the car in order to go somewhere. We have cell and WiFi. I can watch MSNBC without having to find open sky for the satellite dish, holding tank capacity is of no concern, and we know where we will be tomorrow. Kinda sad.

1 comment:

  1. glad you are home, take care of your house, ie, get it it fixed up, sell it and live for ever in your dream, driving around in a motor home doing what you want for the rest of your life, some times our lives are short, do it dave, have a good time, live your dream
