Tuesday, October 3, 2017

Custer State Park day 2

We really know how to kill a day. We did a couple of early morning, cold weather, hikes followed by a 2 hour tour through "Jewel Cave" followed by a drive on the wildlife trail and finally a visit to the Buffalo Corral. I'm not going to post any cave pics because this cave is mostly dry. I've got to mention that this cave is the 3rd largest cave in the world. 191 miles have been mapped. Thats not a typo. They believe that only 3 percent of the cave system has been mapped. They concluded this based on the volume of air that pours in and out of the original entry hole. 40 mph winds occur in both directions depending on if there is a high pressure system overhead or a low pressure system overhead. The buffalo round-up for the park occured last week. The grassland can support 1400 head. Every year there is a round-up and the excess are sold. There weren't too many buffs roaming around the park because most of them are corralled. We've got one more day here.