Friday, October 6, 2017


We have been experiencing some unexplained weird electrical issues the last few days. They all came to a head when I tried to back into our campsite today. All I got when I turned the key was clicking. Jenny tried a jump from the Forrester and that didn't work. I started unplugging stuff and Jenny revved up the engine and we finally got the old girl to start. I began calling people who would know something about the systems that were acting strangely and I came to the conclusion that the truck battery has it's fingers into MP systems that you wouldn't expect. I took out the old (5 years) battery, took it to Wal-Mart and got a new one. Things seem to be back to normal. Cross your fingers!  We drove across S Dakota, into Iowa, crossed into Nebraska and then into Missouri. The Wal-Mart was in Kansas. We are camped at Lewis and Clark SP south of St. Joseph MO. This state celebrates Columbus day. This is that weekend and there are more people in this campground than you would expect. We are here for at least 2 maybe 3 nights.


  1. So you are some what of a mechanic too! Dad must have taught u that

  2. Smart have come a long way.....2nd career..if you so choose. Hopefully the old boy will keep on hummin'
