Saturday, July 11, 2020

Letchworth State Park New York

This park surrounds a canyon formed by the Genesee river. The canyon is 500 feet deep in places. The park is supposed to be the Grand Canyon of the east. It has also been voted the best State park in the country. It's a nice park and the canyon is pretty but I'm wondering who thought it was Grand and who voted in the best state park election. We are here for only 1 night. Our original plan was for a 4 night stay but we had to be out of the diseased Carolinas for 14 days before we could enter NY. Today is the 14th day since we left NC and entered VA. After we got set up here we drove along the Canyon rim and stopped at the view points. That came to an abrupt halt when the sky opened up. We did see some of the sights, did a little hiking and took some pics. We move to a park near Niagara Falls tomorrow.


  1. My friend from ny said the state police stop some cars with carolinas plates. Have fun. Can't wait until N. FALLS pictures.
