Monday, June 19, 2023

Abiquiu (Ghost Ranch)

The primary reason we are here this year is because when we visited last year we didn't have time to explore Ghost Ranch. There is a long story explaining the name that I won't cover but you can be assured that there a bunch of ghosts on the property. Ghost Ranch is where Georgia O'Keefe lived and did a lot of her landscape art. It's obvious where she was standing, or sitting, when she painted some of her landscapes. Her inspiration was all around the Ranch. Jenny and I did a hike that was pleasantly brutal. The climb was arduous but the views and the scenery was sublime. Maybe the best hike of the trip. There are several more hikes on the Ranch property so we might have to come back again. We are in Santa Fe tomorrow. Our goal is to be at Jim and Anne's house by noon. They are having Lasagna for lunch.


  1. Yes spectacular views. The hike was worth it but you standing on the out crop rock well, I would get dizzy standing on it, especially if I looked down
