Saturday, July 13, 2013


They say an adventure begins when the planning falls apart-----we made it through the hike to the bottom  with some difficulty. This is a designated wilderness, so there is no trail maintence or signage. There are boulder fields and pour offs to navigate but we made it to the bottom in 6 hours. The adventure began when I made a navigation error and turned us away from the possible water source that we were hoping to find. We were now 1 & 1/2 hours from that questionable water source. We were tired so we made camp and assessed our situation. We maybe had enough water to get back to the car if we were careful. We couldn't cook so we ate dried fruit and some John Begnaud, San Angelo pecans for dinner. Thanks again John. We got an early start and headed back up. It was all uphill, we were not well rested, not well fed and rationing our water. I was able to filter some water out of a couple of fetid puddles we hiked near so water turned out not to be a big problem. 7 hours had us back at the car. One more hour and we were at the MP. We ate dinner at one of the 3 restaurants in Bluff. I lost 6 lbs. in 2 days so I stuffed myself. Today is laundry and planning our next move.

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