Friday, July 26, 2013

Zion backpack day 2

We are base camping (not moving camp) so all I had to do this morning was fix breakfast. Spam & grits. It's kinda like shrimp & grits only with Spam. I did my hike today. I was gone for nearly 6 hours and didn't get to the lake I was trying to  find. The GPS had me .47 miles away but I had already been out 2 1/2 hours and that last bit was going to be a bushwacking extravaganza. Oh well. It was one of those "it's better to have tried and failed" things. Don't know yet if the creek will 'flash' again. There are some thunderstorms around but they are far off. Tomorrow we backtrack the 8 miles back to our car. We'll stay 2 more nights in Virgin. We need to come up with a plan for the next few weeks. We've been out over 2 months.

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