Friday, May 20, 2016


Tomorrow we will be moving to Organ Pipe National Monument. It is right on the Mexican Border. We will be boon - docking. The chances of phone or Internet are very slim. We will send a spot every afternoon. Our stay will probably be only 2 nights but not sure. Today I did a morning desert bike ride and then we did a tour of Biosphere 2. We all live in Biosphere 1 (you know? Earth) really interesting. In the early 90s a small group of Biospherians lived in the completely closed system for 2 years to simulate an outpost on another planet. There were problems but it worked for the most part. The project was financed by a Texas Gazillionare. The project has changed its focus several times and is now part of ASU's science department. They are doing research that is appropriate for today's degradation of Biosphere 1. After that we went to a botanical garden and attempted to learn a couple of hundred plant names. Jenny had a chile relleno for lunch. We leave tomorrow.

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