Saturday, June 22, 2024

Chicksaw day 2

First, the flat tire. We called Coachnet and they found someone willing to come out here. The mechanic was a girl. She finished with the tire change at 10 o'clock last night and had a 60 mile drive home. The old tire has a slit in it on the tread. Not sure if that can be repaired. On another note: I developed a pain in my left calf a couple of days ago and knowing that the antibiotics I'm on could cause tendinitis I called our Dr in Beaufort to ask his advice. He was worried that I might have a blood clot. Shit! It was off to the emergency room for an
ultrasound. Everything was (normal) so it probably is the antibiotics. I only have 2 more days of that. We are in Arkansas tomorrow. 


  1. Wow dave. Saw the emergency on,your post which made me also think of a clot.since you aren't moving much and pretty stationery with driving. Glad it isn't. What a long day with a tire change at ten. Are you even sure you want to continue on this trip.think about you all traveling.

  2. For some reason my I pad is stuck on this blog. Hope yesterday was uneventful

  3. Hope all is well with you both. 95 today.need rain
