Sunday, June 30, 2024

Santa Fe

We are in a commercial campground (Santa Fe Sky's Campground). We have stayed here a bunch of times. We were assigned a spot and when we plugged into the electric post our surge protector wouldn't let us get power. There was a ground fault. The maintenance guy came out and he swore we had a faulty surge protector. This is weird but we actually have 2 surge protectors, one of them is built in. That surge protector wouldn't let us get power either. We moved to another site. Problem solved. The archeological site we visited yesterday was the place where, in the 1930s,  some unique spear points where discovered beside animal skeletons. That spear point is called a Clovis Point. That discovery proved that humans were here, in N America 13000 years ago. At the time that discovery was very surprising. That timeline has since been moved back further. The pic is the site of a dig that has exposed hundreds of bones of mostly extinct animals. We are here all day tomorrow.

1 comment:

  1. Interesting about the dig site and how early we were here.
