Saturday, June 28, 2014

Back in Dawson City

We're getting pretty used to driving on the Klondike highway. All was well with the MP when we retrieved it from storage. We moved it to a 30 amp site and we will be here until probably early Monday. Our next challenge is "The top of the world highway". It's a long dirt road that I have been hearing nothing good about, except for the scenery. A lot of people do it so we should be able to. We will enter Alaska on that stretch of road. We went to the finish line of the race today and watched a couple of competitors finish. They had difficulty walking. I know the feeling. A part of me wanted to be out there but I'm sure I would have been in trouble if I was. The awards banquet is tomorrow. Jenny and I will attend.


  1. Glad they are having some sort of awards banquet . Hope you at least get a t shirt, ha. What a challenge that paddle was! The Alaskan highway also sounds like a challenge ! That rock skirt will come in handy! You all have a great day and Dave hope you are getting rested up!

  2. Win, finish, withdrawn or delinquent,.... Every racer will have a story! What an adventure. Happy you are attending :) XOXO
