Saturday, June 21, 2014

Dawson City day 2

The gold rush started in 1898. The mob floated down the Yukon until they reached the Klondike and here they stopped. The town is built on permafrost so some of the building have an unusual tilt. There are many miles of mine tailings along the road as you drive into town. We will leave the MP here tomorrow and drive back to Whitehorse in the car for the start of the race on the 25th. I'm kinda ready for this race to be behind me so that I can stop thinking about it.

1 comment:

  1. Only two and a half more days til start day Dave, it will be over soon, then you can get on with your lives!! Me and three other girls did a25 mile bike race/ride yesterday. It was fun, rode fast enough to stay in front of bugs. I am going to buy a new bike, pick it up Monday. Ya'll have a great day.
