Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Tracking the race

The race starts tomorrow. That's 25 June at 12 noon Pacific time. If you are interested in following the race as it develops here's how: log on to yukonriverquest.com----then click on "race tracker"----then click on "2014 tracker"----in the left column I'm "SlackJack "  click on that, and you should get my position, updated every 10 minutes. All the racers should be visible so you can see how badly it's going for me. Don't wish me luck. That's not going to help. What I need is a good Shrink.


  1. The day has arrived, I will be with you the whole way, plan on taking my I pad to bed and checking on you thru the night. Go for it Dave , just remember if you do come to your senses and don't finish, a good try is better than no try at all. Don't forget to take your warm clothes.i am with you all the way

  2. Hey David...hopefully you are feeling ready and slept a little in all that light. I have found the race tracker and you are there with a zillion other paddlers. Have a good paddle...and remember if it doesn't hurt, you aren't having fun......Oh, and I know a good psychotherapist....Paula...hey, Jenny, take care and mind the bears

  3. Was on the I pad at one your time keeping track of you, paddle on brother,pat
