Friday, June 20, 2014

Dawson City, Yukon

We got off the Alaska highway in Whitehorse and have been traveling on the Klondike highway. This section of the road has frost heaves. A frost heave is sort of like a ski jump. We did a bunch of those today. The town of Dawson City is pretty cool. It was a gold boom town in the 1890s. All the streets are dirt. Sunset last night was midnight. Sunrise was 4 AM. I'm trying not to think about the fact that it took us 5 hours to drive here and I will have to paddle that distance in 3 days.


  1. Land of the Midnight Sun - I forget you can go somewhere other than Norway to experience it :) Love following you on your blog and look forward to keeping up with you on the race. Stay safe and love to you both. Now I'll see if I can get this to post! Sandy

  2. Well you made it, how nice, almost paddle time, hope you are able to some water time in as they seem to think you are a contender Dave have a great day
