Monday, March 8, 2021

Fort Griffin day 2

This fort is called a Settlers Fort. It was established by immigrant settlers instead of the army. The army eventually moved in because the Comanche and Kiowa Plains Indians were somewhat pissed at what was happening to their way of life. The fort is near the clear fork of the Brazos River. We walked down to the river yesterday and it certainly wasn't clear. The one unusual pic in this post is of a pyramid of bison bones. After the almost complete annihilation of the plains bison an industry grew up around the collection of their skeletons. The bones were shipped east, ground up and made into fertilizer. You gotta love our ingenuity. We move tomorrow to Dinosaur Valley SP which is SW of Ft Worth. That park has had a complete failure of their water system so we will have to bring our own. It's always something. 

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