Wednesday, March 24, 2021

Last day at Hillsborough River

I didn't want to gross everyone out on the first post after we got here but this park is in the midst of rather significant caterpillar infestation. They really like tires. The car tires and MP tires are continually covered with hundreds of them. Just for fun I will periodically spray one of the MP tires with insecticide. I'm not exaggerating when I say that there are thousands of caterpillar carcasses on the ground beneath that tire. I could take a picture of the pile but even I have standards. Enough of that. This morning I was able to link together a couple of trails and ride for 18 miles off road. There was nothing exciting except for a few mud holes. After lunch we went to Publix to stock up for the next phase of the trip. We have 2 more stops before we make it back to Beaufort. We move tomorrow.


  1. 🙂poor catapillars. Are they eat able? Just a little food for thought, no pun intended. Yes it is gross. Did they make it into the vehicle?
