Tuesday, March 23, 2021

Hillsborough river day 3

As promised, today was a hiking day. We did 2 trails for a total of 7 miles. The park has old growth trees. The ambience sort of reminded me of Jurassic park. Huge  trees, impossibly tall palms, ferns of different varieties, vines everywhere. We were out for several hours and the entire time was interesting. There is some bike riding to be done here. The map we were given when we checked in is, in my opinion, inadequate so Jenny and I did some exploring using the car and our bikes to try to get better oriented. Because of our efforts I think I have figured out a long loop that I will ride tomorrow. We are running a little low on some supplies so a trip to a grocery store will be on tomorrow's agenda. We have one more full day here and then we move on.


  1. Really interested looking foliage. Worthy of the jurassic park calling dave.
