Tuesday, May 23, 2023

Brown County SP Indiana

You shouldn't have to devote too much thought into the location of this park. At least the County where it is. This place is another one of those State Parks that could be confused for a National Park. It's 15000+ acres and is very well maintained. The park is an island of hills in a sea of flat farm land. All the trees in this area had been cut down and removed by the mid 1920s. The park was established in 1929 and the CCC got to work trying to restore the land. There are abundant trees now. We did a short hike and saw a whole bunch of PawPaw trees. They supposedly fruit later in the summer. We are here for 3 nights. That Flower is from a Tulip tree.

1 comment:

  1. Nice restoration. We have lots of tulip trees around here
