Wednesday, May 3, 2023

Greyfield Inn Cumberland Is. Ga.

We are here to celebrate our 49th anniversary. We are a couple of weeks early but we are going to be in the MP3 when the actual day arrives. The island was once owned by the Carnegie family. A big chunk of it still is, but most of it is National Seashore. This Inn is owned by some sort of Carnegie relative and it's the only place to overnight on the island without camping. This is a beautiful piece of property. There are wild horses, vacant beaches and enormous oak trees. It's kinda formal in that the guys have to wear a coat for dinner. I found one in the back of our closet so I'm good. We are here for 2 nights. 

1 comment:

  1. Nice pics. Nice two day overnight. How r u doing dave. Riding bikes yet
