Wednesday, May 31, 2023

John Martin day 2

The storm yesterday was somewhat alarming. So much so, that we abandoned the MP and drove the car to the bathroom parking lot and we were prepared to dive in there if needed. It turned into a tent apocalypse. Every tent was blown over. There were a few gusts that were probably 50 or so MPH. I did a ride this morning and then we drove toward Lamar to visit "Bents New Fort". Bents Old Fort is a National Monument. It's a reproduction of the original fort built by William Bent in the late 1800s on the Arkansas River. He traded with the Indians and got along with them. Then the Army showed up. They ran him out of his own fort. He moved. Hence, Bents New fort. The Army followed him to his new location and staged "The Spring Creek Masacre" from his new fort. 200 Indians were killed while waving a white flag. That was the end of the friendly relationship with the natives. So many heart warming stories about our early dealings with the Native Americans. I took the pic of the dam a few minutes before sunrise with calm winds. We are in Mountain Time now and my body wants to get up too early. We move tomorrow. 

1 comment:

  1. Well interesting but none of our friendly dealings with the Indians were friendly pat
