Thursday, May 4, 2023

Greyfield Inn day 2

Here is the deal as best as I understand it: The Carnegies were rich. Like, Bill Gates rich. The picture of the ruins is the original family house. Back when it was built they had 250 servants to keep it running. They had to generate there own electricity for crying out loud and it was direct current. This was late 1800's. As the kids grew older the Matriarch bribed her kids into building there own Mansions on the island. The Greyfield Inn is one of those. We did a tour of Plume Orchard (see pic) which is another one. Eventually the mother died and none of the kids wanted the responsibility or expense of maintaining the old original house. They removed all the furnishings and it sat empty for over 30 years. It was supposedly burned down by a disgruntled employee from the mainland in the 1930s. The Greyfield Inn is run by decendents of the Carnegie family. It's been a fantastic 2 days but we must leave tomorrow. Our summer trips departure date is fast approaching. 

1 comment:

  1. Wow lots of old trees. The inn looks somewhat historic.
