Saturday, May 20, 2023

Punderson State Park Ohio

Geez Louise!!! A cold front blew through Ohio yesterday and it's frigging cold. Neither one of us thought about or packed for cold weather. I have one long sleeve shirt. We were both thinking 'desert', disregarding that we are headed due North and are separated from Canada by a lake. Tomorrow we will drive into Cleveland and visit "The Rock and Roll Hall of Fame". Hopefully it's heated. This park has a lot of winter stuff. That picture is of what they call the sledding hill. There is a sign on a post that reminds people to call 911 if needed. We visited a local grocery store and noticed quite a few Amish shoppers. They apparently drove to the store behind a horse. That other pic was taken in front of the Lodge. 

1 comment:

  1. You might need to visit a Walmart and buy a sweat shirt. Looks like Amish country. Great sledding hill
