Tuesday, May 30, 2023

John Martin Reservoir State Park

We are not too far from Lamar Colorado. It's the nearest town that has a Wal-Mart. You're not really a city unless you have one. I got extreme Deja vu when we drove in here. I'm sure we've been here before. I don't know when or in which MP but I recognize a bunch of stuff. The MP 3 is backed up to Hasty lake. That's not the lake behind that Dam, it's a little lake below the dam. We are on the downstream side of the dam. If the dam is breached don't even bother looking for us because we will be riding the flood into oblivion. Eastern Colorado is still flat plains. There is a pretty big thunderstorm forming West of here that were hoping won't pay us a visit. The plains states are known for a particular weather phenomenon. I can't think of what it is. Humm! Maybe we'll find out a little later when that storm gets here. We are here for 2 nights. Just added the storm pic and Jenny looking down from the top of the dam.

1 comment:

  1. Well hope the storm doesn't hit and drive you down stream. Yes we will still look for you
