Tuesday, May 16, 2023

Pipestem day 2

Today is Jenny's birthday. For 3 months she will be older than me. This morning we drove an hour to briefly visit 'New River Gorge National Park'. Most of the land adjacent to the river has been administered by the Park Service for many years but it only recently rolled over into the National Park system. The park follows the river for many miles and it ain't easy getting in and out of the gorge in a car. We drove to the famous New River Gorge Bridge and did some touristy stuff. You might recognize the bridge as the sight of "Bridge Day". One day every October they close 2 lanes of the road and BASE jumpers from all over the world come here to jump off the bridge. I don't get it but it is apparently appealing to some people. Here are some bridge stats: 1. Longest single arch bridge in the Western Hemisphere 2. 4th Longest arch bridge in the world 3. highest vehicle carrying bridge in the U.S. 4. 3rd highest bridge in the U S. 5. 13th highest bridge in the world.  The bridge is stamped onto the WV quarter and there is postage stamp with a picture of it. WOW! I'm impressed. We are here one more full day. More tomorrow. 


  1. Happy birthday Mia!!!!!

  2. Happy birthday day jenny. Interesting bridge. Did you get down to river
