Saturday, September 23, 2017

Daily recap day 3

We had a very early ferry ride to Friday Harbor on San Juan island. We connected there to another ferry that took us to Sydney,  British Columbia. When we arrived there we had to clear customs and then we drove into Victoria for lunch. Our rental house is a 30 minute drive from the city center. After we checked in I found a good trail to ride on. The house has some entertaining games. We set up the "corn hole" game that we found in the garage and I was able to totally humiliate the pathetic attempts of my Aggie colleagues to dethrone the invincible champion, that being me. Tomorrow we visit the world famous "Butchart Gardens".


  1. I feel like I have been to Buchart Gardens...

    1. You have. We are unsure of tge year but we took the ferry over from Port Angeles and spent the night in Victoria. We can't remember the details.
