Saturday, September 30, 2017

Lewis & Clark caverns tour

This cave was not discovered by Lewis or Clark. They did camp near here while they were exploring the Jefferson river in 1805.
The tour starts with a 1/2 mile walk up a paved trail that was built by the CCC. The cave tour is possible because of the work done by the CCC. The 3 mile road up to the trailhead was built by them. They carved over 600 steps in the limestone and blasted a 300 foot long exit tunnel. They were paid $30/month and sent on average $28/month home. The tour was very cool. We had to crawl or slide on our butts in a couple of places. There was some damaging exploitation for a few decades after the cave was discovered but it didn't distract too much from what we saw. When the CCC started work they discovered what is now the most spectacular room on the tour. It hadn't been molested by the earlier unregulated commercial tours. I rode my bike down from the top on a single track trail. I was a little worried about hot brakes. We move tomorrow. The weather has soured here.


  1. THe boys are super impressed that you went inside a REAL cave.

  2. Wow, the colors are amazing, I am amazed you had to crawl in some spots,did the tour guide tell you this?

  3. Very cool! If not too late stay a night in Bozeman... You will love it!

  4. Wow..the pictures are spectacular of the cave. Reminds of the Bear Caves in Germany.....What a great trip ya'll are having!
