Wednesday, September 13, 2017

Paddling the Priest

Ohh! That sounds kind of kinky. (My apologies to Maggie). We got the yaks wet this morning. They have been strapped to the roof collecting dust since Quebec. We left on this journey on Aug. 1st. We are coming up on 6 weeks. The days, the parks, the towns are kind of a mish mash in my aging brain. Our goal has always been a get together with our Aggie buddies and their wives for a San Juan island vacation. We are just a few days away from that link up. Tomorrow we make another move a little further West.


  1. I wonder Dave if you just come up with these names, or are you enlighten at night in your sleep! jijiji

  2. I wonder Dave if you just come up with these names, or are you enlighten at night in your sleep! jijiji
