Wednesday, September 27, 2017

Last full day in Anacortes

This place has a disk golf course that is borderline insane. It's built on the side of an overgrown mountain. We had a hard time locating the tees and a harder time finding the baskets. We did get some exercise. After the game we found ourselves in the vicinity of a point of land that overlooked the Anacortes boat harbor. It required a pretty good climb but we were already used to the terrain so we went up and took some pics. We ate lunch in a restaurant in the old part of the city. The MP is primed and ready for our trip east. We have looked at a route with some interesting stops and to hit those we have to go south some. Seattle is south. We are reluctantly going to drive through town tomorrow morning. Traffic should be horrible. The snow capped mountain in the pics is Mt. Baker (10781 ft)