Tuesday, July 12, 2022

Bottomless Lakes SP NM

We are pretty close to Roswell. The central feature of this park is a series of sinkholes that vary in size and depth. 90 feet is the deepest one. I  guess that qualifies as bottomless in New Mexico. This area was covered by an inland sea 250 million years ago. There was a thick layer of gypsum and salt left behind when the water retreated. Over time it was covered by sediment. Eventually, rain percolated through the sediment and the salt and gypsum dissolved. Caves formed and eventually collapsed forming the series of depressions that are currently filled with water. Some of the sinkholes are salty and some aren't. I don't know why they aren't all the same. I know you'll find this hard to believe but there are somethings I just don't know. We we here for 2 nights. 

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