Monday, July 25, 2022

Yellowstone NP day 1

Wow, busy day today.  We entered the park from the West entrance and headed south. Almost immediately we saw some elk followed by bison, a coyote and a swan. We kept seeing wildlife as we drove toward Old Faithful. We did several hikes along the way into thermal areas. The eruption at old Faithful was attended by an enormous crowd (see pic). Everything has been pretty crowded. Parking is sometimes an issue. We were expecting as much. We continued past Old Faithful to Yellowstone Lake, did a short hike there and then headed back. Along the way a really big Bison ambled by the car. I could have reached out the door and given it a pat. Tomorrow we head North toward Mammoth Hot Springs. 


  1. Looks like all are having fun. Is it real hot

  2. It was 38 that first night. Highs were low 80s

  3. Hey Dave..I have been following just no comments. Have fun but no petting the Bison et al. They tend to toss people over their heads. This bring back memories of our 24 hour trip to Yellowstone with Mom and Dad from Hill Air Force Base. Great vacation...yalls, not the one! Paula
