Monday, July 11, 2022

Colorado City SP

Some of you might not be aware that there is a Colorado River in Texas. The Texas Colorado river is dammed here and the lake forms behind it. We drove over the river and I've seen drainage ditches that had a more robust flow. Most of Texas is under a heat advisory. We drove into the bustling community of Colorado City to eat lunch and the car thermometer said 105°. The MP AC is only good for 15° so it's a little warm inside but compared to outside it's chilly. We are not far from the lake. You can see it between the car and the MP in the pic. We had lunch in an old school cafeteria. The #1 place to eat in town. West Texas is pretty bleak. That highway pic is pretty indicative. We are in New Mexico tomorrow. 

1 comment:

  1. Pat woods. Our weekend company is gone. Finally got 1.5 of rain
