Saturday, July 30, 2022

Logan Lake day 2

We started looking at our schedule for the next few days. We leave here on 1 Aug. For some reason neither one of us thought July had 31 days. So, we have an extra day. There isn't a lot for us to do here. The campground is small, the campsites don't have water, there is no cellphone coverage, too many trees for satellite TV, no hiking or biking. I think I picked this place 6 months ago without really looking into it. Well anyway, I did get the kayak wet for about an hour this morning. There are a couple of attractions that we are considering visiting tomorrow that will require a pretty long drive. The pic of the Yellowstone group was taken in front of the van that Jamie rented. It seated 12.

1 comment:

  1. Well maybe a laid back rest day is in your future for today.
