Monday, June 14, 2021

Badlands NP

Our plan today was to drive into the park, do the scenic overlooks, and hike the trails associated with those stops. At the 2nd stop we read a sign that said the trail there led to an area that had the most trees in the park. That's all it said. No map and no mileage. Well, it took us 3 miles to reach the trees. There was an extremely sketchy climb at the end. The whole thing ended up being 7 miles. We saw no one. Later at the ranger station we asked the ranger why that trail wasn't on any of our maps and she said that really wasn't an official trail. No wonder we were alone. Not sure about tomorrow yet. We will probably do some of the stops that we drove past today.

1 comment:

  1. Looks pretty desolate to me. Meeting some WI friends for l lunch today. They have moved to NC. My third time out to eat in a year, yippee
