Monday, June 28, 2021

San Antonio (Larson's Driveway)

We arrived yesterday after driving through some strong rain showers. We had 2 choices of our route here. Either I 10 or Hwy 90. I prefer Hwy 90 because it's less travled but it is prone to flooding during heavy rain. It was raining heavily. So we did Hwy 90. Sure enough, as we drove through this deluge, water was flowing across the road in places. Using skill and cunning I was able to hydroplane through the flash flooded portions of the road. An added benefit to my daring do was that the underside of the MP got a thorough pressure wash. We leave here on Wednesday. 


  1. Pressure wash, huh! Isn't that dangerous Dave? Driving into high water on road

  2. Great grandchildren arrived last night. Both here for five days. Hope Steve can handle a ten year old for that long
