Sunday, June 20, 2021

Trinity Lake SP Colorado

We were on the road for 8 hours today. Our route took us south on I 25 through Denver, Colorado Springs and Pueblo. I'm estimating there was over 100 miles of construction zones that we drove through. Don't get me wrong, that road is in dire need of an upgrade. The stretches that weren't under repair needed to be. The stop and go traffic probably cost us an hour or more. On the bright side, I only saw one accident and no instances of road rage. Of course Marijuana is legal here so there's that. There is in fact a Trinidad Lake. We took a short walk to look at it from our campground. Tomorrow we are in Santa Fe for a few days to visit with friends and relatives. 


  1. Are you going back to Texas on your way home. Are you getting smoke from the fires 🔥

  2. We are going to visit SA on the way home and we have seen no smoke yet.
