Thursday, June 3, 2021

Bloomfield day 2

Today's adventure was a walk in Bisti Badlands. There are no trails, you just roam around and become extremely disoriented. There are several points of interest whose coordinates have been published. I inserted some of those coordinates into one of my handheld GPS's. That was the only way we were able to stay oriented. Seriously, without a GPS our hike would have generated a rescue. The Bisti has weird rock formations, some fossils and some petrified wood. The pics don't do justice to the weirdness. It was beyond weird. Anyway, we we were out there for 4 hours. We got an early start but it was starting to get hot by the time we found the car. Tomorrow we are in Colorado. 


  1. Wow. Many people lost out there never to be heard from again

  2. How did you learn about such a moon scape?

  3. I honestly can't remember where I heard about the Bisti. There is a lot of stuff I can't remember.
