Friday, June 18, 2021

Scott's Bluff National Monument

Today's major event was a visit to the above National Monument. Scott's Bluff was named after a fur trader who had an unfortunate death here in 1820. There is a break in the bluff that allowed westward bound pioneers to continue their trip. The actual wagon trail is still visible. Pretty cool. It's estimated that 500,000 people transited the pass through those rocks. We hiked to the top of the bluff. There was a tunnel on the trail (see pic). The NPS has done an excellent job in maintaining the area and explaining its history. We have been impressed with every contact we have had with the interior department and the National Park Service. Our tax dollars at work. We are here one more day.


  1. Nice views. Did wagons go thru tunnel

  2. The hiking trails and the road to the top were built by the CCC in the early 30s. There is the one tunnel on the hiking trail and 3 tunnels on the road. The wagons stayed on the Valley floor and wound their way around the galleys and other obstacles as they headed west. The plains were behind them and the Rocky Mountains were ahead of them.

  3. Thought the tunnel looked small
