Friday, June 11, 2021

Sundance day 2

Our reason for being here is to do some hiking at the Devil's Tower and to do a scenic drive through the Black Hills. We were going to do the hiking today but we got a late start and by the time we got to the park there was a line of cars waiting to get in that seemed to be endless so we got out of line and did the scenic drive instead. We were delayed for a few minutes by a cattle drive on the highway. We stopped at a hundred year old store and I simulated filling up the car at the antique gas pump. We visited an historic ranch, and finally was the Buffalo Jump. The Buffalo Jump is a pretty deep sink hole that the Native Americans would use to stampede Buffalo into. The fall was fatal to as many as 7000 of them. The bottom of the hole was filled with 20 feet of Bison bones. After that busy day I did a bike ride on a dirt road behind the campground. Hopefully tomorrow we will get our hike in.

1 comment:

  1. 20 feet of bones. Wow thats horribly impressive. You would think as the buffaloes disappeared the rest of the heard would veer off! But guess not. I was in black hills with a friend and our horses. Stayed at a federal campsite. We did 7 and 8000 foot climbs with every ride. The president memorial is very impressive.we rode horses to that also.
